Training services

Occupational safety and health OSH


At the end of the course trainees will be able to:
•    Determine the kinds of danger inside the work places.
•    Categorize and evaluate danger.
•    Get rid of the danger found in the work places.
•    The use of the measuring tools of OSH.
•    The use of occupational safety and health registers.
•    Identifying occupational safety and health laws and legislations.
•    Proceed in doing the simple first aid procedures.

Course Outlines:
•    OSH in the general industries.
•    OSH in the construction industries.
•    Danger management in the industrial projects.
•    First of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
•    Soft skills.

Course Duration:
•    240 hour
•    12 weeks
•    5 days / week
•    4 hours / day
